
Housing Funds

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I am the director of a shelter for homeless women and children, and am distressed to see that the governor has proposed eliminating the Housing Trust Fund in his proposed budget.

While many community groups have responded to help the growing numbers of homeless people in our state, we cannot address this social problem through private programs alone. The government has a responsibility to assist in helping its entire population, those with and without housing. Operating funds are what shelters need the most, but at the same time, these are the hardest funds to get.

While Proposition 84 will provide funds for shelters, these funds can only be used for bricks and mortar. How are we to raise the money needed to provide crucial services, such as case management, counseling and child care? What are we to do about paying utility bills and insurance payments or for telephones, diapers and such necessary items?


I hope Gov. George Deukmejian will reconsider this issue and include the Housing Trust Fund in his budget, with operating funds at a level of at least $5 million annually. Homeless families are counting on him.



Los Angeles House of Ruth
