
English-Only Movement

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In my opinion, the only thing Mary Nichols wants legitimized is her opposition to English as the official language (“English-Only Movement Legitimizes Attacks on Brotherhood and Tolerance,” Op-Ed Page, Feb. 19) and certainly, she had that right, just as those who like myself voted for English as the official language of this state also have our rights. Proposition 63 did pass and it is the law.

It is not fantasy, but fact that it is the minorities--the immigrants who have made this country great. And what has made us the United States of America? Not religion, not race, not heritage--the only link was and still is, language, and that language just happens to be English. English is the language of the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, the Pledge of Allegiance. It is and should remain the one language of our government.

Any and all other languages people in this nation choose to use in their business, in their professions, in their homes, in their social activities, etc., is their right. Language and culture, like religion, are personal freedoms in this country, but nowhere do I find that they should be public responsibilities.



Rancho Palos Verdes
