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<i> Compiled by researcher Cecilia Rasmussen</i>

The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors voted on Tuesday for pay boosts ranging from 3% to 12.9% for 24 general managers and department heads as part of a management incentive program. However, the supervisors decided against awarding a $350-a-month “professional allowance” to themselves and top executives.

Current Pct. New Official Salary Raise Salary Richard Dixon, chief administrative officer $123,760 9.4 $135,355 Ronald Kornblum, chief medical 111,842 6.0 118,553 examiner-coroner Robert Gates, director of health services 107,571 9.0 117,252 Thomas Tidemanson, director of public 107,571 9.0 117,252 works DeWitt Clinton, county counsel 99,410 10.6 110,000 Michael Freeman, county forester, fire 110,000 warden* Wilbur Littlefield, public defender 98,278 8.9 107,000 Eddy S. Tanaka, director of public social 93,820 11.9 105,000 services Ted L. Reed, director of beaches and harbors 93,859 9.0 102,306 Frank Zolin, county clerk/executive officer, 95,552 6.0 101,285 Superior Court Mark Bloodgood, auditor-controller 88,943 10.7 98,500 Barry Nidorf, probation officer 88,968 9.0 96,975 Robert Chaffee, director of children’s 91,249 6.0 96,724 services Charles Weissburd, registrar-recorder 87,344 9.0 95,205 Roberto Quiroz, director of mental health 87,008 6.0 92,228 David Lund, executive director, Community 85,466 6.0 90,594 Development Commission Larry Monteilh, executive officer, Board of 79,268 11.0 88,000 Supervisors Sandra Davis, treasurer-tax collector 82,005 6.0 86,925 Robert Medina, director of community and 80,185 6.0 84,996 senior citizen services Linda Crismond, county librarian 77,125 9.0 84,066 Rodney Cooper, director of parks and 82,000 recreation* E. Leon Spaugy, agricultural commissioner, 75,000 6.0 79,500 director of weights and measures Earl Powell, director of Museum of Art 66,655 12.5 75,000 Craig Black, director of Museum of Natural 66,655 12.5 75,000 History Francis Ching, director of Arboreta and 66,736 3.0 68,738 Botanic Gardens Brian Berger, director of animal care and 68,635 control** Robert Arias, affirmative action compliance 60,667 12.9 68,500 officer Shirley Goldinger, director of consumer 56,421 10.8 62,500 affairs Joseph Smith, director of military and 48,000 veterans affairs*

Positions for directors of data processing and planning are vacant.

* Recently hired

** Resigns May 1
