
FILM REVIEW : ‘Police Academy’ Warrants a Rest

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The official title is “Police Academy 6: City Under Siege” (citywide), but the conspiracy theorists among us and those who remember “The Omen” can surmise just what that’s short for--”Police Academy 666” is more like it. This is comedy so insidious it could scarcely be less than diabolically inspired; to know these 84 minutes is to know an endless living death.

The mild PG rating is hardly indicative of the horrors within. There are no stars to replace the long-departed Steve Guttenberg, just a dizzying stream of supporting players left over from previous manifestations of the “P.A.” series.

In lieu of much plot to speak of, these revolving pratfalls make up the movie. To wit (so to speak): Ditzy George Gaynes does his senile shtick. Wacky Michael Winslow does his vocal sound effects. Dainty Leslie Easterbrook does her squeaky voice. Sultry Marion Ramsey heaves the bosom that makes men fall down. Trigger-happy David Graf sets off the big ammo. Bossy G. W. Bailey gets his comeuppance by sitting on chairs with unscrewed legs. Klutzy Bruce Mahler knocks over everything in sight. . . .


Directing this episode is Peter Bonerz, whom many will remember as a likable ‘70s sitcom actor with the same fondness with which they remember the former Cat Stevens. (“Bob Newhart Show” rerun-boycott, anyone?)
