
Operation Rescue and Poll on Abortion

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I applaud your newspaper for the in-depth article on Randall Terry and the Operation Rescue movement.

The fact that Terry’s group carries pictures of “a bloody fetus in four pieces” is as the article says “gruesome,” but is, nonetheless, reality. When a fetus is aborted, there is blood involved. And when a dilation and curettage abortion takes place, the fetus is cut into several pieces.

The problem that I have with the pro-choice supporters’ argument is that they make “choice” the ultimate issue. Let’s face facts. No one has absolute freedom of choice sanctioned by the law. One can choose to rob a bank, but it is not lawful. Others can choose to kill their 1-year-old child, but it is not legal. Why then should a woman have the legal right to take the life of her unborn child?


There are limits on our choices. We all live with that reality every day. When our freedom violates the safety of another individual, the law steps in. I don’t believe that abortion is a religious issue. It is a matter of respect for human life.

Maybe there does need to be some (as Terry puts it) “moral sanity” brought back to this country. Certainly, 1.5 million lives taken each year in abortion is a harsh reality. There must be a better way.


Granada Hills
