
No Westside Wanna-Be Here

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Evelyn De Wolfe’s article on Silver Lake--”Westside Life Style at Half Price” (March 12)--made my teeth itch.

We’re not a bunch of Westside wanna-bes around here. Our neighborhoods of Silver Lake, Los Feliz and Atwater stand as a quiet urban alternative to the relentless trendiness of the Westside and the tract-house-and-shopping-mall emptiness of the Valley.

So if a bunch of folks from the other side of Sepulveda decide to move in, I’m going to be a good neighbor (we have a long history of inclusion around here). But could you at least try the local life style before you turn Hyperion or Hillhurst into a wasteland of dollar-and-a-half-per-chocolate-chip-cookie joints?



Los Angeles
