
School Is Now Victim

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La Jolla Country Day School has now become the victim in this whole incident with the Rogers family.

Rep. Bill Lowery and others are giving a very biased picture of the Rogers’ situation. They expound on the theory that La Jolla Country Day is knuckling under to terrorism by wanting to ensure safety for their faculty and students.

And where are the Rogerses during all this publicity? Secreted away in a safe place with 24-hour armed guards that accompany them everywhere.


Is going into hiding not knuckling under to terrorism? If it is so safe for Mrs. Rogers to go back to school as a teacher, why don’t the Rogerses go back to their home and show that they don’t want to knuckle under to terrorism? Why should not La Jolla Country Day be extremely cautious about the safety of the children they are entrusted with, when the Rogerses are being even more cautious about their own personal safety?

We can be fair in saying that La Jolla Country Day has been placed in the middle of an extremely difficult and unique situation. Try as they may, they cannot make everyone happy.


San Diego
