
Dogs on the Beach

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Once again, the Carlsbad City Council has made a decision based on non-facts. This time it’s the dog ordinance banning dogs from the beach. After sending the matter back to the Parks and Recreation Commission (where it should have gone in the first place), and, after the Commission carefully and thoroughly studied the issue, the City Council completely ignored the commission recommendations.

It was no surprise that Councilwoman Kulchin ignored the Commission findings. After all, she started the whole thing. Eric Larson, becoming known as Kulchin’s clone, was sure to follow. But, Mayor Lewis was absolutely stunning! He freely admitted running his dog without a leash on the beach and that his dog had a “problem” on the beach.

Mind you, this is in the public record. The mayor didn’t state if he cleaned up after his “All-American terrier,” but I got the impression he did not. The “problem” as I see it, is that Mayor Lewis deliberately contributed to the notion of “irresponsible dog owners.”


Thanks a lot, Mayor Lewis for squarely slapping in the face all of us dog owners who try to work within a system! I take my “All-American beagle” to the beach on a leash and clean up after her. How naive was I to think that mayoral privilege was a thing of the past!

Responsible dog owners, this ordinance is totally bogus! I would like to say ignore it; however, that is your individual decision. If you do ignore the ordinance, plan your walks on the beach during a time when you won’t upset the few alarmists who have swayed the council.

If your dog has a “problem,” just clean it up. There are plenty of discarded plastic containers on the beach; you can find one about every 20 feet or so. Then drop the whole mess in a trash can, if you can find one of those. Oh, one other thing, if you see Mayor Lewis running his dog, please remind him to scoop his poop!



