
Gun Control: ‘Get It Done’

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I am a National Rifle Assn. member and I resent your editorial “Get It Done” (April 12) in which you refer to our members as “a small band of zealots.” I also object to your phrase “the gun fanatics can wage their apparent endless guerrilla warfare against the forces of common sense.” You owe the NRA and the millions of gun owners in California an apology!

In March, the NRA ran a full page ad in The Times in which it called for the following changes in law:

1. No plea bargaining in violent gun cases.

2. Maximum sentence without parole in violent gun cases.

3. Capital punishment for first-degree murder of law officers.

4. An instant ID check system to prevent criminals and mental cases from buying guns.

5. Drug dealers get 5 years, 10 years or life without parole for even carrying a gun.

The NRA feels that these changes would be much more effective in stopping criminals than an assault rifle ban. It is interesting to note that you have not proposed any of these practical approaches to hurt the criminal. Your only solution is to ban guns, 99% of which are owned by sportsmen and law-abiding citizens.


I propose that you poll your readers. Ask them which approach they feel will better reduce crime involving guns. I bet the NRA approach is preferred by the public. Why not give the NRA approach a try, rather than take away the rights of our honest citizens?


