
Los Angeles Election

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In response to the “Teflon Mayor” article by Jill Stewart, Part I, April 8:

San Fernando Valley-based Republican pollster Arnold Steinberg refers to the Los Angeles Theatre Center as a “yuppie entertainment center.” Now we’ve been called some names in our time, and generally we accept them with good humor and a grain of salt. But a “yuppie entertainment center”? Mr. Steinberg, I beg your pardon--what did we ever do to you?

In all seriousness, the demographic and cultural profile of our audiences spans more ages, income brackets and ethnic groups than any other theater in the United States. If “yuppie” is defined as white adults, ages 25-34, with household incomes of $50,000-plus, then that group makes up about 23% of our total audience--hardly a majority.

Then, of course, there’s that problematic word “entertainment.” If Steinberg would read some of our reviews, he would find some critics in Los Angeles who would argue strenuously with that characterization! As the Theatre Center’s artistic mission clearly states, the guiding ideal of all Theatre Center productions and programs is “the belief that theatre is political in the universal sense, and that the role of its artists is to agitate, propagate and disseminate their understanding of the truth through brilliant theatre that is joyful, beautiful and passionate as it reflects the toughness and vitality of modern life.” Entertainment is a byproduct of that artistic mission and not our reasons for existing.


We’re proud of our work and thankful for the leading role Mayor Bradley has taken in supporting us.


Artistic Producing Director

L.A. Theatre Center
