
Advocate of Animal Rights Arrested

A leader of the local anti-vivisection group holding rallies around Los Angeles this week was arrested Thursday at UCLA for allegedly trying to steal a pair of handcuffs from a campus policeman. Jack Carone, 41, was arrested on suspicion of grand theft involving an alleged incident that UCLA authorities said took place Monday during the arrests of 22 fellow demonstrators after a sit-in outside the office of the university’s chancellor. Carone was taken Thursday to the sheriff’s station in West Hollywood and released after posting a $1,500 bail bond, a sheriff’s spokesman said.

Carone and about 70 other members of Last Chance for Animals were back at the Westwood campus Thursday, marching with signs proclaiming their opposition to the use of animals in medical research, according to a UCLA spokesman. However, a group of about 150 UCLA students and medical patients held a counter rally in favor of continuing such research in hopes that it will lead to cures of diseases. Carone could not be reached for comment.
