
Medical Research and Animal Rights

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In response to your editorial, my question to you is: Why don’t you face the truth?

The animal rights protest is not about dying children! Any thinking person realizes that some animal use in human and veterinary medical research is necessary. It is rather about thousands of cosmetics and household products firms endlessly and repetitively pumping quantities of caustics and poisons into animals’ eyes and stomachs. It is “garbage research” done for no one’s good by cynical academicians to keep lucrative government grants (our tax dollars at work) flowing in to perpetuate their uselessness. It is so-called behaviorists and their sadistic, hideous torturings--psychologists and their ilk who are sicker than their patients. It is abandoned and helpless pound animals in teaching institutions operated on without adequate anesthetics or painkillers.

All this information has been well documented by responsible humane associations and is available to anyone seeking the real truth about animal use in research. Why don’t you reveal that side of the question for a change?


