
Quarry Can Compact Its Fill

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The Rolling Hills Estates City Council will permit Chandler’s Palos Verdes Sand and Gravel to begin compacting fill at its 120-acre quarry near Palos Verdes Drive East and the Lomita city limit. But in the face of overwhelming opposition from residents across from the quarry, the council decided Tuesday not to approve Chandler’s plans for a golf driving range there.

While residents said they do not want to stop Chandler’s from building the golf range, they want it located away from the street so homes will not be affected by noise and lights.

John Robertson, Chandler’s general manager, said the company has no timetable for compacting the inert materials that are dumped into the quarry landfill, but wants permission because compacting “gives more options for future use” of the quarry pit once it is filled. Compaction is required before buildings may be placed on the fill.


On the golf-range use permit, the council indicated it would like Chandler’s and the residents to agree to a plan that would be resubmitted.

Residents also used the hearing to object to dust and noise from the “batch plant” which is part of the ready-mix concrete operations. Robertson said the company would reduce plant noise--which the city said exceeds legal noise levels--by moving the plant if necessary.
