
Rail Lines for Public Transit

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We were quite excited to see the railroad’s offer to sell 76.5 miles of unused railroad lines in the Los Angeles area to start a commuter train (Metro, May 3). We urge everyone to lend support and contact local governments to make this happen soon. The June deadline is an achievable target if people will work together to solve our escalating transit problems. What a serendipity to our communities!

We were both born and raised in Southern California; for the last three years we have lived in Portland, Ore., due to a job transfer. We experienced the initiation of the successful “MAX” mass transit system built on the old railroad lines amid such criticism and nonsupport.

Once implemented, the people of Portland went crazy for MAX, its convenience, speed, safety, and, oh by the way, additionally improved property values. Every other major city has mass transit.


In our three-year hiatus, we cannot believe the increased traffic congestion and severe impact on the freeway systems.

Rapid transit must be a No. 1 priority and heritage left to future generations. The population explosion in our area and increased growth potential necessitates immediate action. Citizens can be educated and retrained to appreciate the ease and convenience of commuter rail transit. We all must reach into our pockets and pay now for a better, safer and faster tomorrow.


