
The Nation - News from May 17, 1989

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Thunderstorms slapped North Texas with tornadoes, drenching rain and hail, causing floods. The storms swept through Oklahoma and Louisiana as well, but with lesser effect. In the East, heavy rains dropped up to three-fourths of an inch of rain per hour on northern New Jersey, triggering flash flood watches for New York City and Philadelphia. The Southwest storms spun off tornadoes that touched down near Abilene, Menard and Longview, all in Texas, and McAlister, N.M. No major injuries or damage were reported. More than 11 inches of rain fell in Antelope, Tex., northwest of Ft. Worth, and more than five inches fell along the Red River dividing the Lone Star State from Oklahoma, flooding roads and homes. National Guardsmen with trucks helped evacuate 150 people from low-lying areas in Gainesville, Tex., state officials said.
