
The Nation : 40,000 Abortion Foes Rally in St. Louis

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About 40,000 people rallied in downtown St. Louis to urge the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion. Those at the “Show-Me Life” rally, held at the Old Court House and organized by the Missouri Citizens for Life, carried placards, banners, posters and balloons marked with anti-abortion slogans. The crowd heard an address by Sen. John C. Danforth (R-Mo.), who said that the high court either should overturn the 1973 decision or modify it so Congress can settle the controversial issue. Danforth compared the rally to the pro-democracy demonstrations at Beijing’s Tian An Men Square. “The winds of change are blowing halfway around the world, and they are blowing here today,” the senator said.
