
Who’s Responsible for and What’s to Be Done About ‘Kids Out of Control’?

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The truth of Bob Sipchen’s article “Kids Out of Control” is depressing. It forced me to recall some unpleasant memories. In my 34 years as a teacher in the Los Angeles city schools, I lived with this progressive problem. In 1985 I felt that, perhaps, younger teachers could handle the problem better than I; so I retired. Judging from what I read, the problem is not being solved, even without me.

No matter how much we spend on our schools they cannot improve until the family problems are solved. Schools depend upon the family to prepare the student for his responsibility of becoming educated. He must be healthy, punctual, dependable, cooperative, and respectful of others. The school can reinforce these values; but, since children do not begin school until age 5, it cannot establish them nor always overcome negative attitudes.


Simi Valley
