
Bernardi Endorsed by Rival From Primary

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Jules Bagneris, who ran against Los Angeles Councilman Ernani Bernardi in the April 11 primary, Wednesday endorsed Bernardi as a candidate of “passion, courage and conviction.”

Those were the words that Bagneris used to describe himself during the primary campaign, which ended with him gaining 16.5% of the vote. Bernardi failed to win a majority in that election and was forced into a Tuesday runoff with second-place finisher Lyle Hall, a city fire captain.

“I did not have the confidence early on in either of the candidates,” Bagneris said. “What changed my mind was that I thought about who was most like myself.”


Meanwhile, Hall’s campaign announced a massive precinct walk Saturday, beginning with a menudo breakfast sponsored by Dolores Huerta, vice president of the United Farm Workers of America. Also scheduled to walk precincts for Hall is former Gov. Edmund G. (Jerry) Brown Jr., chairman of the state Democratic Party.
