
Los Angeles Teachers’ Strike Settlement

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As a citizen I was appalled when I watched the LAUSD police manhandle teachers who were demonstrating at the district offices on May 22. As a teacher I was incensed when I saw men and women grabbed in headlocks, slammed onto the hood of a car, arms wrenched behind their backs to be handcuffed and finally placed in a patrol car.

As a citizen I was infuriated when it was stated that the reason for this brutality was because the teachers were accused of trespassing.

As a teacher all LAUSD police officers I know have always performed their duties in a professional manner, displaying restraint when required and showing sensitivity when appropriate.


However, the badge-happy “rent-a-cop” mentality displayed by the LAUSD officers at the district office on May 22 showed only contempt.

Perhaps their actions reflect the district’s true feelings toward teachers.


Woodland Hills
