
Head Librarians for City, County Resign

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In unrelated developments, Los Angeles City Librarian Wyman H. Jones and County Librarian Linda F. Crismond have announced their resignations.

Jones, the city’s head librarian for 19 years, will step down early next year from his $103,272-a-year job to pursue a career in publishing.

In a letter to Mayor Tom Bradley, the City Council and the Library Commission, Jones, 59, expressed a “sense of satisfaction” knowing that the rebuilding of the fire-ravaged Central Library is under way and that library hours, reduced because of budget cuts, have been restored.


Crismond, county librarian since 1981, will leave her $84,000-a-year job Aug. 1 to become the first woman director of the 47,000-member American Library Assn., a Chicago-based professional organization for librarians.

Crismond, 46, cited among her accomplishments the construction of a library headquarters and two community libraries and the writing of legislation to provide state funding for libraries.
