
Controlling Firearms

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In response to your editorial “California Leads the Way,” May 20:

How dare you accuse opponents of the “assault rifle” ban of being accomplices to Patrick Purdy? The National Rifle Assn., and law-abiding gun owners who are not members of the NRA have for years supported tougher laws, and tougher enforcement of laws to prevent people like Purdy from running around with any kind of gun. If this advice had been followed, that terrible day in Stockton probably would never have happened. No--the ban’s opponents are not gun-mongering accomplices of psychopathic killers, or of drug-dealing gangs.

If anyone can be said to be his accomplices, it is the Legislature, the judicial system, and, yes, even the people of this state. Who had this obviously dangerous man in custody not once, not twice, but seven times, and let him go each time? The courts of California. Who wrote the laws that allowed the courts to do this? The Legislature. Who allowed the Legislature to get by with such weak laws against criminals? The people.

The rise in the criminal use of guns has finally awakened the people to really do something about it. But what has our noble Legislature offered to address this problem? A useless, self-serving placebo. Those legislators who voted for this ban are only looking out for themselves. I do note that in the wake of this emotional and misguided law, other bills that are tougher on criminals seem to be riding on its coattails. These are the ones that will make a difference and should have been passed long ago, instead of the “assault rifle” laws. PAUL BRAUN


Simi Valley
