
Questioning Some Parents’ Ethics

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Why stop with looking in the kids’ eyes with a flashlight to see if they are on drugs? How about bugging the phone and their rooms? What makes these parents think a police state at home is going to stop drug use once the children are out of the home? When the kids go off to college, where drug experimentation is more prevalent, are Mommy and Daddy going to come by each week with their little flashlight for a spot-check?

I have learned from raising seven children that helping them to be self-sufficient and to think for themselves starts long before they go to school. And yes, it has much to do with teaching them self-esteem.

How about having special together times where we sit down with our children, talk to them about our concerns and listen to their concerns. And aside from that, try to keep our mouths shut and our eyes and ears open. It’s called respect.



Palos Verdes Estates
