
Army Troops Fire on Beijing Crowds

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A solitary young man stands before and advancing tank and halts the menacing machine by only the force of his will. The events of this past month in Tian An Men Square, both heroic and tragic, were distilled and clear in that young man’s singular act of courage. The rest of the world and most certainly, the United States, must be moved to a new resolution by the aspirations and determination of the Chinese people.

In the nation which spawned individual rights, political and economic opportunity, and the freedom of expression, we have nearly surrendered these precious liberties to our gluttony and lethargy. In the Soviet Union, millions of people watch the open and controversial attempts by their fledgling congress to adopt democratic procedures. In Poland, Solidarity has become a part of the official process after years of turmoil and repression. In China, as in so many revolutions in so many bygone eras, the idealism of youth has rekindled the hope of all generations in the salvation of the human condition.

The modern media have made witnesses of us all. We are all reminded in the most perilous terms that democracy and freedom are not automatic. Maybe, just maybe, the next time we are asked to vote, to help, to volunteer, to act in the name of our constitutional heritage we will. We should never forget that young man. He stood his ground against tyranny for all of us.



Marina del Rey
