
Success of ‘Four-Bullet’ Restaurants Is a Bad Sign

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Regarding the May 30 story, “Nothing Helps N.Y. Restaurants Like the Mob”:

It looks as if “mob mentality” has invaded the New York restaurant scene, but instead of involving lowlife types, Wall Street currency traders and other respectable individuals are the primary culprits. They are curiosity seekers who are drawn to places of violent happenings--it is apparently the new “in” thing to do.

Unknowingly, they may have started a new advertising strategy. Instead of promoting their fine food or exotic atmosphere, all these restaurants have to do is say “Joey Gallo or Paul Castellano was killed here,” and it somehow will attract countless numbers of customers. Instead of saying they have a “four star” rating, these restaurants can say they have a “four bullet” rating.

However, is the business world so dull and boring that its employees are driven to seek out such perverse, thrill-seeking activities in order to get excitement? If so, our economy may be in serious trouble.



