
Shedding Light on Hispanic Myth

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Shame, shame over Frank del Olmo’s column in his divisive and distorted view of the Hispanic myth (“TV Dispute Sheds Light on the Hispanic Myth,” Op-Ed Page, May 29).

As a Hispanic (I still don’t know what a Chicano is) we are united by a common language which is used to communicate throughout Latin America (with the exception of Brazil). Aside from a few local words, it remains universal.

Latin Americans, as any other group, have different educational and income levels; not all of us clean up tables at your local restaurant. And when I see positive role models of higher class, very educated Latins in the media (even if it is only in the Spanish media), I say hooray. Whether they are Cubans or Mexican.


What Del Olmo forgot is that we are all Americans of Hispanic heritage, and the name Del Olmo originated in Spain.

Let the most talented individuals rise in our society. And don’t discriminate because of national origin.


Woodland Hills
