
Board Vote on the AIDS Ordinance

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I am shocked and outraged by the recent defeat of the AIDS anti-discrimination ordinance by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. I’ll be sure to remember them at the next election.

I am equally shocked and outraged by the Board of Supervisors being swayed by groups which purport to be Christians and yet who seem to be closer in line to the biblical Pharisees rather than to Jesus Christ. Didn’t Jesus Christ emphasize the importance of truth and isn’t that a fundamental part of Christian theology?

I am sick and tired of these so-called Christians running around and telling everyone that this nation was founded on Christian principles. That is not a true statement. This country was founded upon principles with the express concept of protecting minority viewpoints. If these people would bother to read “The Federalist Papers” which interpreted the principles behind the Constitution, they would realize this fact.

The proposed AIDS anti-discrimination ordinance had nothing to do with “status minorities” as these so-called Christians have claimed. Medical authorities who have served on the various commissions from all sides of the political spectrum have all agreed that without strong anti-discrimination laws, this disease could be pushed underground where it could fester and spread for years. Why do these groups find it necessary to argue about or dispute that very plain and truthful fact?



Huntington Beach
