
Board Vote on the AIDS Ordinance

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As a resident of and an employee of the County of Orange, I am ashamed and outraged by the Board of Supervisors’ recent rejection of the ordinance banning discrimination against AIDS victims.

One more time our county government has bypassed recommendations of health care professionals and sided with a fringe element of “alleged caring Christians.” When will our government have the backbone to deal only with the facts and not the hate-filled ideologies of these special-interest groups?

We cannot blame the Rev. Louis Sheldon for the defeat of this much-needed ordinance. After all, his mission is merely to increase his popularity, fill his coffers and perpetuate discrimination through lies and threats. The full responsibility lies with the three county supervisors who chose to put aside the recommendations of experts and vote in favor of this dangerous fringe element.


The supervisors voting against this law have done Orange County a grave disservice. They have given their stamp of approval to discrimination and in doing so have placed human rights on the bottom of their agenda. One more time this “Disneyland Utopia” fails to recognize the needs of its citizens.


Huntington Beach
