
Coors Dropping TV Ad That Upset Polish Americans

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Adolph Coors Co. said Tuesday that it would drop a television commercial after a New York Polish-American leader called for a boycott of Coors products, claiming the ad made fun of Polish music and heritage.

“We’re concerned there are some consumers out there who were offended by it,” said Coors spokesman Joe Fuentes. “We never intended that. We’re going to drop the commercial. We’re going to apologize for any concern that it may have caused.”

Edward Ostrowski, a past grand marshal of New York’s Pulaski Day Parade, said he would continue to push for a boycott of Coors products. “They told me they were going to drop it a week ago,” Ostrowski said. “They’re still showing it. . . . I think it was a slap in the face of the Polish people.
