
Real Estate Investment Groups Plan Orange County Meetings

The California Assn. of Real Estate Investors, a 370-member organization of investors, will hold its first meeting in South Orange County on July 27 at the Irvine Marriott in Irvine.

The longstanding North Orange County CAREI meeting will be held July 25 at the Anaheim Plaza Resort Hotel. Both meetings are scheduled for 7 p.m. and will deal with “How to Find and Buy Foreclosed Properties.”

CAREI was founded four years ago by Al Robinson, a national real estate educator and investor, to help its members gain information and skills in real estate investment.


Guest speakers provide updated information and conduct plan-of-action workshops at monthly meetings.

Meetings are open to the non-professional public. Members pay a $185 annual fee and attend meetings free of charge; non-members pay a $20 fee per meeting. CAREI is headquartered in Capistrano Beach, P.O. Box 7118, Calif. 92624.
