
‘They Really Deserve Raise’

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Every month or so you come up with an editorial on why you feel federal officials in the various branches of our government and members of Congress should get a raise (“They Really Deserve a Raise,” June 22). You always state their base pay but say nothing of the many free trips officials take at taxpayers’ expense, as well as all of the expensive perks they receive. In addition to this members of Congress have their lovely honorariums.

I believe the taxpayers let it be known in no uncertain terms that they were tired of paying taxes to keep supporting these drones. Many of them have said that they could do much better in the private sector. I notice none of them leave.

What we need is a good house-cleaning. We need statesmen in all branches who will serve for a two-year term and then return to the private sector.


Then we would have people who would have to live with the laws they pass. This is, after all, a democracy and professional politicians are not conducive to remembering that they are not princes and princesses.

Remember that former President Ronald Reagan was unhappy because he could only serve two terms. He said he wanted to do a lot more. Yes, I guess he did; he hadn’t quite bankrupted the country yet but one more term would have done it.

We the taxpayers didn’t cause the savings and loan problems nor the HUD problems, etc., but we are going to have to pay the bill--and with all of those expensive staff members they had to help them too! I say enough!



San Clemente
