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<i> Arts and entertainment reports from The Times, national and international news services and the nation's press</i>

Tyrone Power Jr., the 29-year-old son of the handsome movie star from the ‘40s and ‘50s, has his first starring role in the soon-to-be released “Shag: The Movie.” Following in the family tradition isn’t difficult, says Power, whose great-great-grandfather and grandfather also were actors. “It’s only as much of a burden as you make it. It seems to have more effect on other people than it does me. Nobody wrenched my arm to force me to become an actor,” he told United Press International. Since Power bears a strong resemblance to his father, strangers often are stumped trying to place his face. And when people hear his name, they tell him, “Your mother must have been a real fan to name her son for a movie star. I don’t bother to tell them otherwise,” he says. Before “Shag,” Power had small roles in “Cocoon” and “Cocoon, The Return.”
