
Jackson on Democracy

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Amen to Jesse Jackson’s analysis of American non-voting, the institutional barriers to U.S. voter registration, and his plea for universal voter registration (“Our Languishing Democracy: To Reverse the Decline, Universal Voter Registration Is A Must,” Op-Ed Page, July 5). What the Rev. Jackson does not address is the growing majority of American non-voters who look on voting as a futile gesture irrelevant to their personal needs.

As an adult school counselor, I offer this suggestion in response to the appalling statistic provided by the U.S. Census Bureau that the largest demographic group of non-voters by far is that of persons between the ages of 18 and 24, the immediate products of our high schools.

In adult school and the senior year of high school we should offer a course entitled “Why vote?” The course should address immediate student problems and aspirations as they relate to legislation and the vote, e.g. finding suitable employment, continuing education toward a suitable goal, starting a family, military service, health needs and dangers, etc. At the end of the course provide registration by mail to students 18 or older, or a registration form to be mailed on the student’s 18th birthday.



