
HUD Scandals Uncovered

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As I hear more and more of the disgraceful actions of the Department of Housing and Urban Development and those affluent people who calmly say they did nothing wrong, I feel we have lost our guiding light as a nation. Where is the outrage? When the American flag is desecrated, we gird ourselves for the major effort of a constitutional amendment. When we profane the basic principles of our nation, which that flag represents, we sit back and say “That’s politics.”

I have a handicapped son who is applying to live in a small HUD housing center currently under construction. He is one of a great number of applicants, many more than can be accommodated. There are those who are severely handicapped with no way of self-support, their only chance for a decent life being dependent upon gaining entrance. For many their hope will become a waiting list, for this or the next unit--the officials tell me it is two to three years in the future.

How can we as a society sit by and allow millions, probably billions, of dollars in fees to be used to further influence billions in projects at the expense of what may be truly needed. Much of this may be within the law, but I consider it morally repugnant. Where is our nation’s sense of justice, of caring, of a spirit of good will? Are these not the principles our flag stands for? Are these not the values that will promote well-being for our children and make us a leader in the eyes of the world?


What is happening is not just politics, not if we insist that our representatives in government live up to the meaning of the flag. They have the power to provide a just and caring system. If laws have been broken, they can ensure prosecution. If individuals use influence to profit at the expense of giving life and meaning to our needy,our representatives can use their influence to have those monies donated back or assure no further personal contact with government functions.

What is happening is not beyond our control to change, not if we sincerely believe our nation’s destiny is to be a model for a world of peace and brotherhood. The influence our government representatives wield is ours if we speak with one mind. There needs to be an outcry.


Woodland Hills
