
He May Just Be Blowing Smoke, but Frazier Likes Foreman’s Style

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If George Foreman ever gets a shot at Mike Tyson, Joe Frazier predicts he’ll win.

Frazier told Wallace Matthews of Newsday: “He’s got three things going for him. He’s got the Lord, Jesus and himself. And all three is strong.”

Reminded that Tyson is a born-again Christian, Frazier said: “Won’t help. He got Him too late.”

Foreman has said he had a vision after losing to Jimmy Young in 1977.

Says TV analyst Ferdie Pacheco, The Fight Doctor: “One Mike Tyson shot to George’s liver and George will see Christ again.”


Add Tyson: Arthur E. Thomas, president of Central State (Ohio) University, defending the granting of an honorary degree to Tyson, told the Albany (N.Y.) Times Union: “Detractors did not mention Mike Tyson’s visit with an eight-year-old multiple sclerosis victim who was granted his special wish to meet Mike Tyson.

“And they did not report that Secretary of Housing and Urban Development Jack Kemp made a special trip to Central State to be with Mike Tyson and to comment on his offer to assist in combating urban housing problems.

“Little has been reported about his aiding Father George Clements in Chicago when his church burned. Or about his providing food for more than 1,000 families at Thanksgiving. Or about his being the first to donate $25,000 to the foundation established by the family of Sugar Ray Robinson.”


Trivia time: Name the only major league player to win most valuable player awards in the same league with two different teams. (Answer below.)

Envelope, please: Bob Hertzel of the Pittsburgh Press, in his bests-and-worsts of baseball in 1989, calls Dodger Stadium the prettiest park, with the best Diamondvision, and rates Fred Claire the best-dressed general manager with his “California casual” look. Then there’s the flip side:

Worst interview: “Eddie Murray. If hits were words, he’d still be looking for his 200th hit.”


Worst stance and swing: “Alfredo Griffin. He can hit, but no one knows how.”

Worst ballpark music: “Dodger Stadium. You can’t play ‘Going Out of My Head’ on the organ.”

Add Hertzel: Here’s how he rates the managers:

Best: “Whitey Herzog, Cardinals. No one handles pitchers better.”

Worst: “Joe Morgan, Red Sox. Sometimes even he can’t explain what he’s doing.”

Least approachable: “Tom Kelly, Twins. But then, why would you want to approach him?”

Add Cardinals: Reliever Dan Quisenberry, on why he lifts his front foot when batting: “Mel Ott did it and it worked for him. Of course, I’m not sure I pick up the correct foot.”

Head-scratcher: Dan Shaughnessy of the Boston Globe offers this poser: “Will Junior Felix next year have to worry about the sophomore jinx?”

Trivia answer: Jimmie Foxx, Philadelphia Athletics, 1932 and 1933, and Boston Red Sox, 1938.

Quotebook: Carl (The Truth) Williams, on tonight’s fight with Mike Tyson: “I wish myself well.”
