
Henley Group on Friday raised the price...

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Henley Group on Friday raised the price it is willing to pay for the 19% of Fisher Scientific Group stock it does not already own and settled a lawsuit brought by shareholders who claimed Henley’s previous bid was too low.

The new offer of $22.25 a share, for a total of $144 million, is up $1.75 from the $20.50 per share Henley first offered last month. Henley revised its offer after negotiations with a special advisory committee made up of non-Henley insiders and with attorneys for the plaintiff shareholders.

The settlement, which the plaintiffs have agreed to, is subject to court approval, Henley said.


A U. S. District Court judge in San Diego has ordered Home Federal Savings to turn over documents requested by the Federal Home Loan Bank Board in connection with Home Fed’s application to switch deposit insurance from the Federal Savings and Loan Insurance Corp. (FSLIC) to Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC).

Home Federal has said it is attempting the switch in order to escape the increasingly onerous special premiums that have been levied by the FSLIC against healthy thrifts to help prop up the insolvent insurance fund. The FSLIC’s funds have been drained by the hundreds of failed S&Ls; in recent years.

Home Fed filed its application for the switch last month. Then, on July 7, the bank board asked Home Fed to a supply more information to bolster its contention that the Competitive Equality Banking Act of 1987 entitles it to make the switch.


Home Fed responded by suing the bank board on July 10, claiming that the board did not have the authority to intervene in Home Fed’s transfer of assets and liabilities. Although U. S. District Judge Rudi Brewster did not address Home Fed’s claim, he did order the S&L; to turn over the requested information.
