
Buckey Takes the Stand, Denies Molesting Anyone : Testifies 1st Time Since 1983 Arrest

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Associated Press Writer

Raymond Buckey, the chief defendant in the McMartin Pre-School molestation trial, took the witness stand for the first time this morning--nearly six years after his first arrest--and denied that he ever molested children or played “naked games” with preschool students.

A nervous Buckey, beginning what was expected to be lengthy testimony, also immediately denied that he had ever molested the child whose allegations led to the first charges in the marathon molestation case.

“Did you ever hold (the child)?” asked Buckey’s attorney, Danny Davis.

“No,” Buckey said firmly.

“Did you ever touch (him)?” Davis asked.

“No,” Buckey said.

“Have you ever sodomized anybody?” Davis asked.

“No,’ the defendant responded.

60 Molestation Counts

Buckey, 30, and his mother, Peggy McMartin Buckey, 62, are charged with over 60 counts of molestation and a shared count of conspiracy. Now in its 27th month, their trial has been the longest criminal trial in Los Angeles history. The case has been in the court system for over five years.


Buckey described to jurors his work as an aide to teachers at the family-owned preschool in Manhattan Beach. He said he worked there until the end of summer 1983, when it was first alleged that he had molested children.

He was arrested in August, 1983, and released when charges were dropped, he said, but then re-arrested on March 22, 1984.

In the six years since he was first accused, Buckey said he has never been asked by any law enforcement officer whether he molested children.


‘Never’ Questioned

“Were you ever questioned by anyone in law enforcement about what did or did not happen in the preschool?” Davis asked.

“Never,” Buckey said.

The defendant, who was released on bail after spending about five years in jail, was deeply tanned and clad in a dark blue sports jacket and khaki-colored slacks.

He appeared nervous and at first answered in such a soft voice that Superior Court Judge William Pounders said he could not hear the witness. After his microphone was adjusted, Buckey sat back and began to answer in a stronger voice.


Previous Testimony

The defense, in its ninth month of presentation, has featured testimony from former teachers and students from McMartin Pre-School who said they never saw children molested or animals killed.

Mrs. Buckey took the stand to say she never did anything improper and believed that her son was innocent.

The prosecution spent 14 months presenting testimony from 61 witnesses, including nine children who claimed that they had been raped, sodomized or forced to have oral copulation at the now-closed McMartin school.

Pounders said recently he saw no end to the trial before 1990.

He has voiced repeated concerns about the toll the case has taken on jurors. The trial started with 12 regular jurors and six alternates. Today, there is only one alternate still available.
