
U.S. Strategy for Nuclear Response

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Since when does the U.S. Government release its newest SIOPs? This article, and the accompanying one on “L.A. Area Targets,” is nothing more than a cynically calculated piece of propaganda aimed at eliciting a harsh response from the Russians (we will sound-mine and overfly their territory with impunity), increasing war fear among Americans, leading us to accept the nonsense of the B-2, still another stealth plane, burrowing N-bombs, and who knows what else.

Our military-industrial complex (President Eisenhower’s words) is terrified that we will recognize that piloted penetration bombers are irrelevant in a ballistic missile nuclear warfare scenario; that its major contractors may have to learn to live in the civilian economy: that peace may break out. To avoid this, it is willing to undermine the delicate web of perestroika at the expense of world peace, and especially of the American taxpayer.

Enough! Let’s start by canceling the B-2, for which there is still no mission that can’t be handled better and cheaper by missiles, cruise or ballistic.


