
Dole Faults Israel but Absolves It : ‘Terrible Mistake’ Led to Apparent Execution of Hostage

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From Associated Press

Senate Republican leader Bob Dole pressed ahead today with his criticism of the Israeli government, saying he “cannot condone” its “free-lancing course” that he said led to the reported execution of American hostage William R. Higgins in Lebanon.

But, he added, whatever mistakes may have been made he does not directly blame Israel for Higgins’ death.

Dole (R-Kan.) told the Senate that Israel’s “unilateral” decision to kidnap Sheik Abdel Karim Obeid, a Muslim radical leader, and two of his associates was one of a series of “terrible mistakes” made by the West in its struggle against terrorism.


Warning on Creating Strain

But elsewhere on Capitol Hill, House Speaker Thomas S. Foley cautioned against permitting the Middle East hostage crisis to strain U.S. relations with Israel, saying “no greater goal could be sought by some of the terrorists.”

Foley said Higgins had been killed by terrorists and added: “The United States and Israel have both been victimized by terrorist acts.”

Dole said: “Today I am not happy that one of our closest and most important allies, Israel, has also struck out alone, free-lancing, apparently in the interest of gaining leverage to win the release of some of its citizens held hostage.”


Dole noted that Israeli Defense Minister Yitzhak Rabin was quoted in news accounts as saying Israel acted for Israeli objectives “without bringing any other elements into the picture.”

“I can understand as a human being, how the Israeli government would be tempted . . . to win the release of its own citizens from barbaric capture,” Dole said.

‘Without Regard to the Effect’

“But I cannot condone, as a thinking person, how any government . . . could embark on this unilateral, free-lancing course, without regard to the effect on innocent citizens and other friendly countries; without regard to our common front against terrorism,” the senator said.


Dole said that in the end, whatever mistakes may have been made, Israel is not directly responsible for Higgins’ murder.

“His blood is on the hands of his assassins,” Dole said.

Former Defense Secretary Caspar W. Weinberger said on “CBS This Morning” that the Israeli action “was not helpful, and it’s not a focused response.” Higgins was a one-time military aide to Weinberger.

“I think that was a most unfortunate statement at that particular time,” Sen. Richard G. Lugar (R-Ind.) said on the CBS program of Dole’s remarks. “And I think that our alliance with Israel is very important at this point.”
