
A Toast to a Worldly Man and His Deeds

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Times Staff Writer

Victor Carter has been president of the United Way and the Jewish Federation Council of Greater Los Angeles. He’s also been honored by three nations: the Third Order of the Imperial Treasury from Emperor Hirohito of Japan, a special award from Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia and the Prime Minister’s Gold Medal from Israel.

Tonight, he and his wife, Adrea, will be honorees at the inaugural Benefactors’ Ball of the American Friends of Tel Aviv University at the Century Plaza. Carter is former national president of the Friends and former chairman of the organization’s international board of governors.

SUCCESS: When is success really success? When the chairmen feel that inner glow. The glows were radiating at the Vista del Mar Associates’ Dinner alfresco and “The Phantom of the Opera.” “We have a half million in sales, a net of $350,000 for sure,” associates president Margot Bamberger said.


What amazed her and event co-chairwomen Suzanne Sidy and Betty Sigoloff was that the $500 seats outsold the $200 and $300 ones, and that, of course, presented a hefty seating problem for Lois Harwin and Peekie Schaefer. At dinner, in fact, it was “committee-hold-back.” Suzanne Sidy graciously went without dinner, which was served on the Music Center plaza under colorful banner swirls.

Arline and Henry Gluck brought their daughter, Tracey. Sue and Martin Kozberg were accompanied by their newlywed daughter, Nancy Paul Sadwick, and her husband, David Sadwick. Vista del Mar and Reiss Davis medical director Lionel Margolin and his wife, Andrea, director of Reiss Davis, touched bases with chief executive officer Jerry Zaslaw. And Ann Gottschalk, former Associates president (as was her late mother, Helen Fels), reminded that the Associates group is 50 years old.

CELEBRATION: Two hundred of the Music Center’s most loyal--those volunteers most instrumental in the success of “Campaign ‘89”--will be treated to a big thank you Wednesday. They’ll dine and then see “Phantom of the Opera.” Prime tributes go to campaign chairman William A. Carter, Music Center chairman J. J. Pinola, campaign vice-chairmen John E. Bryson and Roger A. Kozberg; Music Center president Esther Wachtell; board of governors members John F. Grundhofer, James P. Miscoll, Nancy Olson Livingston, Maurice J. DeWald, who helped meet the $14 million goal--with kindness from 25,000 donors.


WALKING SMART: Picture charity and fashion together: London designer Zandra Rhodes will paint Beverly Hills hot pink and Beverly Hills Mayor Maxwell Salter will bestow a proclamation upon Friends of ChildHelp when the sassy couturiere premieres her oils and watercolors on Oct. 26. Beverly Hills dynamo Ellen Byrens worked out the details in London recently and expects a huge crowd at Dyansen Gallery on Rodeo Drive . . .

SHARE (Share Happily and Reap Endlessly) officers and directors will be guests of I. Magnin Tuesday afternoon for the champagne reception and fall preview honoring designer Vicky Tiel. Pam Korman is new chair of SHARE, Joan Kardashian president and Jane Greer Lasker secretary. They’ll be joined by new board members Joanna Carson, Roni Sue Malin and Shirley Turteltaub--all most certainly planning to keep up the good record--a gift of $1 million recently to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center for the SHARE Disability Center . . .

And Bullock’s Westwood and Wings of ChildHelp USA are a duo staging a champagne breakfast and fall fashion festival Aug. 20, say Norma Kaz and president Pat Kirianoff.


TRAVEL WINDS: Penny and Julian von Kalinowski and their crowd paid respects at Wimbledon, had a private visit to the Queen’s Gallery at Buckingham Palace, lunched with Sir Edward and Lady Tomkins at Winslow Hall and took in the Royal Regatta.

Penny touches ground in time to chair the Los Angeles Master Chorale’s first sing at downtown’s new hostelry, Checkers, and to lend a hostess hand to the British American Chamber of Commerce do--both in September. . . .

A Hancock Park quartet--Barbara Washburn, Patte Barham and Boyne and Connie Crocker--were with their USC classmate Madame Rene Bondoux (nee Virginia Mitchell) at her chateau near Paris for the French bicentennial.

RED LETTERS: Those Metropolitan Associates are at it with their summer film festival. The format: sit on a blanket, rub on insect repellent, picnic, watch an oldie movie. Kittie and Bill Ballard and Alice and Joe Coulombe host Saturday, Olive and Alex Varga and Doris and Norm Newell on Aug. 26. Earlier, Joan and Jim Caillouette and Hildegard and Michael Lindsay welcomed the film devotees. . . .

Cowboy formal (clean jeans) is the dictate for “A Taste of Texas” under the stars Saturday. A Texas-style mesquite barbecue, auction and country music will benefit the Permanent Charities Committee of the Entertainment Industries at MCA/Universal Studio. It ‘s a kickoff for Ben Johnson’s Pro Celebrity Rodeo next Sunday at the Los Angeles Equestrian Center. Daniel E. Slusser is new committee chairman.

KUDOS: To Sandra and Sheldon Ausman, Joanne and Montgomery Fisher, Frank Hathaway, Phyllis Hennigan, James Montgomery Mary Jane and George Moody, Pam and Peter Mullin, Nadine and William Tilley--among those honored at a reception for their contributions to the Gene Autry Western Heritage Museum. . . .


To Ellie Goldman, Lynne Alschuler, Sue Bunzel, Anne Edgerton and Rabbi Allen Freehling, new board members of Planned Parenthood World Population. . . .

To Mary Tabakin, new president of the Michael Burke Foundation. . . .

To David Ehrnstein, “Spirit of Life” recipient from City of Hope Aides. . . .

To Sister Regina Clare Salazar, accepting $300,000 from Daniel Freeman Memorial Hospital auxiliary and guild at a Bel-Air Bay Club luncheon.
