
Countywide : Service for Upland Boy to Be Conducted Today

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A memorial service will be conducted today for Jason Matthew Lea, the 9-year-old Upland boy whose body was found 10 days ago at the bottom of a ravine in the San Gabriel Mountains, officials of the Adam Walsh Child Resource Center in Westminster announced Monday at a press conference in Orange.

Jason disappeared July 29 after leaving his home on his bicycle. His decomposed body was discovered Aug. 4 in a ravine below Glendora Ridge Road, two miles west of the San Bernardino County line in Los Angeles County.

The Westminster center has been helping Jason’s family since the boy disappeared. The center, one of four nationwide, has been assisting in finding missing children since 1984.


Four teen-agers had been held in connection with the death, but there was insufficient evidence to charge them with a crime, officials with the Los Angeles County district attorney’s office said. Three were released last week, and the fourth is being held on an unrelated probation violation.

A Los Angeles County coroner’s spokesman said the cause of death probably will not be determined until the middle of this week.

The service will begin at 10 a.m. at the Eleventh Street Baptist Church in Upland.

Parents at Baldy View Elementary School, where Jason was a pupil, have set up a trust fund in his name.
