
Woman Tells of Her Sexual Affair With Ray Buckey

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Associated Press Writer

A woman who says she had a sexual affair with Ray Buckey came forward in his child molestation trial Monday and testified that she saw “no possibility” that he could have molested children.

Barbara Dusky, 37, said she and Buckey had sexual relations after they met at a health and science fair in Reno in November, 1982. She said they shared an interest in so-called pyramid power and worked together at booths selling wire pyramids.

The night after they met, Dusky said, she and Buckey drove to Lake Tahoe together and checked into a motel called the Fantasy Inn.


“It had a heart-shaped bathtub and a round bed and it was all in red velour,” she said. “It was a very beautiful room.”

Seemed Inexperienced

She said she and Buckey took a bubble bath together, then went to bed. Although she said the then-23-year-old Buckey seemed inexperienced, their sexual activity was normal.

“Was there anything unhealthy or bizarre about your relations with Raymond Buckey?” asked defense attorney Danny Davis.


“No,” Dusky said.

“Was there anything that indicated he would prefer to have sex with little children?” he asked.

“No,” she said.

Buckey, 30, and his mother, Peggy McMartin Buckey, 62, are charged with conspiracy and 64 counts of child molestation which are alleged to have occurred at the family-owned preschool in Manhattan Beach.

Dusky, of Butte, Mont., used her maiden name in testifying, She is married, has two children and grandchildren and said she wants to protect her family from publicity. She was divorced from her first husband when she met Buckey, she said.


During her Nevada weekend with Buckey, Dusky said, they went to Pyramid Lake with a minister who baptized her as she stepped naked into the water.

“I wanted to be baptized as I came into the world,” she said of her nudity. “ . . . I wanted to live my life according to Christ’s will.”

Stayed at Apartment

A few weeks after the Nevada encounter, she said, she visited Buckey in California and stayed at his apartment in his family’s home where their sexual relationship continued.

At one point, she said Buckey took her to visit the McMartin Pre-School where she saw children run with outstretched arms to greet him.

“I was amazed at the love that was exchanged between them,” she said.

“Did you see or hear anything that would make you think that Ray Buckey was a person capable of molesting children?” Davis asked.

“No possibility,” Dusky said.

During their affair, she said, she realized that Buckey didn’t wear underwear--a matter that has been stressed by the prosecution.
