
Paul Roberts and Stanford

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As a card-carrying member of the ACLU, I was deeply affected by Paul Craig Roberts’ recital of the tribulations of W. Glenn Campbell; how he has been so persecuted for “helping to devise the outlines of the Reagan Revolution”.

From my reading of the press and magazines I can testify that the Hoover Institution has ably contributed a cutting edge to such institutions as the American Enterprise Institute and Roberts’ own Center for Strategic and International Studies in their amassing of tendentious data espousing financial and military aid to the dictatorships of Latin and Central America. They helped us justify setting up and keeping in power such sterling examples of government-by-death-squad as those of El Salvador, Guatemala, and Honduras, and subsidizing drug peddlers like Noriega in Panama.

For such great services to humanity it is shabby treatment indeed that Campbell should resign with only a six-year contract as counselor to the Institution, albeit with “substantial salary boosts.”


I suggest an added grant, to enable him to visit the grateful recipients of his ideological knuckleballs: the killing fields of El Salvador; the burned-out peasant cooperatives of Nicaragua; the mothers of the “disappeared” of Argentina, and Chile, and Uruguay.


Santa Ynez
