
The Carmelite Nuns at Auschwitz

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In answer to Deena Metzger’s article, “Pilgrimage to Auschwitz,” (Op-Ed, Aug. 19), I cannot but see it as positively “un-Christian” to ignore Jewish feelings as to what is an appropriate memorial to the dead of Auschwitz.

I personally might even agree that meditation and prayer by anyone at this site might somehow change the horror of this place. It might even transform negative vibrations into positives. Possibly peace could go forward from this place instead of evil and violence. I, too, have felt the need to meditate and pray at these same places.

However, neither I nor Metzger have suffered at Auschwitz. How can anyone ignore the feelings and desires of those who have? When the relatives of those that were tortured and killed in Auschwitz want the Carmelite nuns at this site, I will add my vote to their right to be there. Until that day comes, I see the residence of this convent at this site as totally insensitive.



Los Angeles
