
Proposals to Hike Gasoline and Sales Taxes

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Those driving on our highways ought to pay more in taxes to build more roads to alleviate congestion, and to encourage conservation with more car-pooling and the driving of more fuel-efficient cars. On the June, 1990, ballot, Gov. George Deukmejian is sponsoring a (ballot measure for a) 5-cent hike in the gasoline tax. It is worthy of all our support.

However, the Orange County Transportation Commission is calling an expensive special election to try to increase the sales tax from 6% to 6.5%. I am opposed to this proposed tax because it is not fair. Those who do little driving or ride the bus and do not cause the congestion may not be asked to pay.

Between 1966 and 1986, the population of Orange County increased 78%. In the same period, employment increased 158%. This means that a considerable part of the traffic problem is caused by people who live in adjacent counties. They work here but might not shop here.


Tax those causing the problem and those who can be influenced to change their habits to improve the situation. It is not fair to tax the retiree or bus rider to subsidize those commuters from Riverside and San Diego counties. Support Deukmejian’s sound gasoline tax increase. Oppose the county planners’ boondoggle. Oppose the general sales tax increase.


Laguna Beach
