
WHO’S HAPPIER? : A Close Look at Six Families on Both Sides of the County

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Times Staff Writer

Could it be that life in Orange County is more satisfying south of the Costa Mesa Freeway? Seventy-two percent of South County residents rate their community “very favorable,” compared to 52% in the North County who feel the same way, according to The Times Orange County Poll. South County residents laud their communities’ appearance, climate, parks and beaches. Those in the north highly rate their neighborhoods’ convenience and shopping opportunities. South County residents, however, are more likely to say their communities are congested and boring, while more of those in the north believe that their area is not lacking anything. To find out how these feelings translated into everyday life, The Times selected six residents--three each from North County and South County--from among the 800 people polled to discuss their neighborhoods, life styles, likes and dislikes.



Age: 43

City: Costa Mesa

Occupation: Real estate investments.

Household: Two daughters--Heather Ann, 11, and Leslie Ann, 3.

Household income: $70,000-plus.

Workweek: 55 hours.

Recreation: Four hours weekly. “Anything from playing golf once a week to taking a long walk with my children.”

Last shopping trip: “We went yesterday for birthday presents for my 3-year-old. I probably go once a week.”


Last saw a movie: “Probably twice a month, generally for the kids. We went (four days ago) to see ‘Peter Pan.’ ”

Last dined out: Seven days ago. “We go out about twice a month, maybe a little bit more.”

Last trip to beach: Eight days ago. “I get there about three times a year, though it’s two miles from home.”

Last trip to park: “Probably three weeks ago. I try to do that at least once a month with my 3-year-old.”


Travel to work: About one mile by car.

Victim of Crime? No.

Life style: “I’m very satisfied. I’m close to work. I live on the east side of Costa Mesa. I’m in a rather rural setting. I’m a hop, skip and jump from South Coast Plaza. If I want to go to the beach, I’m not that far away. I think the northern part of Orange County is more established with single-family homes and more of an older tract with a little more space. You go farther south and it becomes real high, high density--row after row after row of same-looking structures. . . . I couldn’t live down there . . . too many people and too many cars.”


Age: 27

City: Orange

Occupation: Physical therapy student at Cal State Long Beach.

Household: Lives with his parents, Lyle, a physician, and Margaret Voge, both 60, and sister, Camille, 23.

Household income: $70,000-plus.

Workweek: 30 hours during the summer in a physical therapy clinic.

Recreation: Four to 12 hours weekly, working out, playing tennis and golf, walking and bike riding.


Last shopping trip: “We went to the hardware store this morning.” Average three times a month.

Last saw a movie: “A week ago. We go about twice or three times a month.”

Last dined out: “Within the week. We go about once a week.”

Last trip to beach: “It’s been a couple weeks. I’m going today.”

Last trip to park: “A couple months ago. We don’t go to parks that much, maybe a couple times a year.”

Travel to work: 10 miles by car.

Victim of crime? “Our cars have been broken into several times.”

Life style: “The city of Orange has got some charm and character that other cities don’t; a centralized downtown. I like the fact it’s close to the foothills. It’s a central location, not that far from the beach. . . . It’s not as smoggy as some parts of the county, like Yorba Linda. The biggest thing is--it’s got a small-town feel to it. The newer (South County) developments are pretty sterile. . . . The type of family there is very competitive, very yuppie-ish. I like the old parts, like San Clemente. . . . The new developments are real sterile, the clone homes.”


Age: 35

City: Anaheim

Occupation: Mortgage loan underwriter

Household: Husband, 36; twin sons, 8, and son, 3

Household income: $70,000-plus

Workweek: 40 hours

Recreation: Three hours weekly, running mostly.

Last shopping trip: “Yesterday. I bought a bedroom set for the children.” Averages two or three trips a week.

Last saw a movie: “Probably five years ago. We rent videos.”

Last dined out: “About two weeks ago.”

Last trip to beach: “Probably 12 years. The kids went last week.”

Last trip to park: “A week ago.”

Travel to work: 12 miles to her office in Sante Fe Springs.

Victim of crime? “No. We’ve been really lucky.”

Life style: “Anaheim doesn’t spend its money properly. Our parks are full of homeless people, drunks. It’s pretty sad. . . . When I have to drive outside my little area here, it’s depressing. They’ve had some very bad planning downtown. . . .We don’t frequent the parks in our neighborhood.”



Age: 32

City: Laguna Niguel

Occupation: Social worker

Household: Roommate, Pascale Scoggins, 30

Household income: $40,000 to $50,000

Workweek: 40 hours-plus

Recreation: Six hours weekly going to movies, beach, concerts, walks

Last shopping trip: Two days ago. Average twice a month.

Last saw a movie: Two weeks ago. Average once or twice a month.

Last dined out: Yesterday. Average twice a week.

Last trip to beach: One week ago. Average three or four times a year.

Last trip to park: Six months ago. Average once or twice year.

Travel to work: 23 miles by car.

Victim of crime? Tucker had a radio stolen from her car at work in Santa Ana.

Life style: “I would like a separate house. I live in a condo and it gets real loud and noisy. . . . I wouldn’t mind having a private yard and all of that. . . . I think people down here are snobbier. . . . You can see a definite difference. . . . People down here are more yuppie. . . . If I could live in Laguna Beach, I’d be happy.”



Age: 38

City: San Clemente

Occupation: Engineer

Household: Morales lives with his friend, Marie Tarango, 40; her son, Ian, 15, and her daughter, Maile, 16.

Household income: $80,000

Workweek: 45 to 50 hours

Recreation: 20 hours weekly at softball and household outings

Last shopping trip: Week ago. Average about every two weeks.

Last saw a movie: Three days ago. “Usually every two or three weeks.”

Last dined out: “Last night.” Average about once a week.

Last trip to beach: Three days ago

Last trip to park: Four days ago. Average once or twice a month.

Travel to work: Five miles by car.

Victim of crime? Burglary three years ago.

Life style: Negatives are “all the people and all the traffic.” Climate and small-town atmosphere” are the pluses. “I know a lot of people around here. The mayor lives right around the corner. . . . Lived in the northern part of Orange County for 10-12 years before I moved down here. I can take my four-wheel-drive from here in about 20 minutes to use it. In the North County, you have to fight the congestion for so long.”


Age: 27.

City: Irvine.

Occupation: Physicist.

Household: Lives alone.

Household income: $40,000.

Workweek: 50 hours.

Recreation: 15 hours weekly at soccer, tennis and skin diving.

Last shopping trip: 10 days ago. Average once every two weeks.

Last saw a movie: Two weeks ago. Average once a month.

Last dined out: Yesterday. Once or twice a week.

Last trip to beach: Four days ago. Average once a week.

Last trip to park: 10 days ago. Average once every two weeks.

Travel to work: 12 miles by car but sometimes by bicycle.

Victim of crime? No.

Life style: “There is a low crime rate, cleanliness and moderately good air as opposed to the rest of the county. And the south is relatively close to the shore. The northern county is smoggier, more densely built and populated and has no empty spaces as you have in Irvine and south of Irvine. In one word (the north is) congested.”
