
Cardinal Glemp

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The distressing and arrogant remarks by Polish Cardinal (Jozef) Glemp at Czestochowa were brilliantly challenged in The Times’ editorial of Aug. 30.

In the 50 years since the beginning of World War II, many horrible crimes have been perpetrated against mankind; among those crimes was the attempted genocide of the Jewish people. But, since the ending of that war, many things have changed in the world. Among the good changes has been the evidence that concerned people of all backgrounds will no longer remain silent in the face of bigotry and intolerance.

Glemp’s dangerous and destructive use of anti-Jewish stereotypes tends to encourage Jews and Poles, two of the Nazis’ greatest victim peoples, toward mutual antagonism. By choosing to use a number of discredited canards, he has done great harm to the cause of positive Catholic-Jewish relations. Moreover, he has made a just solution to the Auschwitz convent conflict more difficult to achieve.


Incredibly, Cardinal Glemp failed to mention the joint Catholic-Jewish agreement of 1987, which provides for a fair resolution of the convent controversy. Indeed, abrogation of this understanding by Polish bishops has been challenged by others in the Catholic hierarchy who were parties to the accord.

The immediate criticism of the Cardinal’s remarks by the Solidarity newspaper is warmly welcomed. It clearly reveals the critical decision that newly emerging democratic Poland now faces: whether to revert to a backward-looking and biased view of Jews and Judaism, or move instead to the new higher ground of mutual understanding and respect between Catholics and Jews.

Tragically, Cardinal Glemp has chosen the first course of action, and Poland is the loser.

The American Jewish Committee remains committed to the strengthening of Polish Catholic-Jewish relations, and will continue to build that relationship with partners who seek the same goal.


CHARLES BAY, Co-Chair, Interreligious Affairs Committee, American Jewish Committee
