
A Capital Delight for Young Travelers

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<i> Izon is a Canadian travel journalist covering youth budget routes. </i>

America’s capital is a treat for young travelers on tight budgets.

Excellent budget accommodations are available for $13 a night. The public transit system is terrific, and you can take advantage of a lot of free museums.

Manager Mike Reed calls the Washington International Youth Hostel, at 1009 11th St. N.W., “the Hilton of U.S. youth hostels.”

The facility is in a renovated building six blocks from the White House. It offers dormitory-style, bunk-bed accommodations for 270 people at $13 per person a night. Non-members of the International Youth Hostel Federation pay $16.


Small Chore Possible

There’s a midnight curfew, and don’t be surprised if you are asked to do a small chore before you leave. But it’s clean, modern and has no age restrictions. Guests have the use of a laundry, kitchen and coin lockers.

Since it opened the hostel has had more than 68,000 guests from 125 countries. Because youth hostels are designed with shared kitchens and common rooms, chances are that you’ll get to know travelers from a variety of countries.

A volunteer group offers programs for hostel guests. The group operates a welcome/information desk at the hostel three nights a week and arranges free movies, lectures, forums, international dinners, walking tours and other entertainment.


During my visit, arrangements were made for an ice skating outing, a free walking tour and a free theater evening. Often, visitors are taken to free Monday night performances offered by American University’s theater troupe.

Groups are sometimes taken to performances at Ford’s Theater for about $3, instead of the regular $25 rate. This is the theater where Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth.

The youth hostel reception area is open from 7 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. In the summer it’s wise to get there early because there is more demand than space. If you arrive during the day you can leave your luggage around the corner at the hostel travel center at 11th and K streets N.W. There is a $1 charge, and luggage must be picked up by 6 p.m.


For sightseeing advice and free maps, visit Washington’s information center at 1455 Pennsylvania Ave.

You can readch many of major sites and museums by foot from the hostel. For covering longer distances the Metro is a fast, safe subway system that goes out to National Airport.

The buildings of the Smithsonian Museum cluster around the central, grass-covered mall area. Admission is free, and they are open daily.

Art lovers can enjoy free visits to the National Portrait Gallery or the National Gallery of Arts.

Weekdays, you can take free tours of the FBI or Supreme Court. Supreme Court visits are conducted only when court is not in session.

In addition, free Pentagon tours leave from the Rotunda area every few minutes.

Washington is also home of the nation’s oldest public aquarium. It’s open daily, and admission is $1.50.


White House tours are given Tuesday through Saturday beginning at 10 a.m., but you must be in line before noon to gain entry.
