
Raindrops--but No Clouds--Camp Out at Childrens Chain Dinner

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Times Staff Writer

Soppy tuxedos, sprinkled designer gowns and wet hair became simply de rigueur at the big black-tie do given by the Childrens Chain of Childrens Hospital. What started out as the most sophisticated of evenings--balmy cocktails on the front lawn of Richard Sobelle’s magnificent colonial in Brentwood Park--turned into alarm as raindrops skittered on guests moving to the tennis court for a sit-down dinner by the sculpted 14-foot Eugenia hedge.

As guests began to sit, clouds dumped dinosaurian raindrops. Some rushed for the poolhouse, others to the living room and the barbecue corner. More doubled over under orange and lemon trees. The rain ceased. Then it began again. Start and stop.

Nonetheless, the crowd stayed until 12:30 a.m., dancing up a storm to Daniel Savant’s Orchestra. The band got the driest spot, to protect musical instruments.


Amazing kudos to these: Laney Techentin and Joan Graves, who moved under their table and ate their dinner camp-out style. Golden kudos to Nancy and James Birdwell and Richard and Jenny Schreiber, who with their guests, ate under brightly colored Mary Poppins-style umbrellas they had the foresight to bring. Silver kudos to George and Karen Harb, Wayne and Jo Ann Ratkoviche, Gary and Laurie Griff, Kyle and Nancy Kirwan and Alan and Cuchi Clark who dined with vintage wine at their tables sheltered only by coral napkins. Plastic kudos to Richard and Stephanie Johnson, whose dancing-est pals fashioned plastic rain suits from coverings borrowed from Somerset Catering.

Earlier, Chain president Tink Cheney and ball chairman Brooke Young (in the most fabulous black Carolyne Roehme one-armed black taffeta), had chorused: “It isn’t going to rain. It isn’t going to rain.” Their husbands, James Cheney and James Young, winked in disbelief. Wishing did not make it so.

Some were saying they hadn’t had so much fun since camp. As for Silver Birches, which did the magnificent tall centerpieces, it had well-watered posies. As for Pamela Clyne, Childrens Chain dinner dance chairman seven years ago when the dance was totally rained out, she was one of the last to leave.

Well, folks, this is what society does to raise gobs of proceeds for charity. It would have been mucho thousand less had they rented a tent to outfox the weather.


MEANWHLE: Nearby, in the neighborhood, under plenty of cover, Clarice and Ed Ellis were hosting an elegant party to welcome former Angelenos Mary Alice and Pen Tudor back to town from New York.

PLAUDITS: To Yvonne Fedderson, surprising her best friend Sara O’Meara Sigholtz at an enormous birthday at the Bistro Gardens. . . . To Susie and Ted Field of Beverly Hills, who headed the luncheon/fashion show for the Young Musicians Foundation at the Beverly Hilton. . . . To the Friars honoring the late Johnny Green at a tribute evening. . . . To Keenan Behrle, chairman of the UCLA Annual Fund. . . . To Norvel and Helen Young, for their 50th wedding anniversary party.

HONORS: In its most successful efforts to encourage corporations to promote health in the business world, the American Cancer Society, Central Los Angeles Unit, last week honored Donald R. Beall, chairman and CEO of Rockwell International, with its prestigious Sword of Life award at a luncheon at the Regent Beverly Wilshire. Rockwell has led the pack, providing 120,000 Rockwell employees with workplace cancer screenings and educational programs.


Leaders in the audience included Edward Cazier Jr., chairman-elect of the American Cancer Society (California division), Nancy Keating (Los Angeles president), Dr. Esther Hays, Beall’s wife Joan and Assistance League president Beverly Thrall.

CAN’T MISS: The Huntington Medical Research Institute’s celebration for neurosurgical research and brain tumor immunotherapy Saturday at Joey Leslie’s estate in San Marino.

PAST PERFECT: Wellesley College alumnae and their president Nan Keohane mapped plans last week for their largest campaign ever: $150 million. . . . Friends of the Julia Ann Singer Center, headed by Fay Kozberg, held their annual fashion fund- raiser at the Beverly Hilton with designer Michael Novarese, honoring the Foundations of the Milken Families. . . . The Music Academy of the West in Santa Barbara is reveling in the excitement of auctioning 60-some items in Montecito at the party organized by Mrs. Yoel Haller, Mrs. Julian Smith and Mrs. Thomas Fly.

AGENDA: Hermes hosts the Hermes Grandprix of Los Angeles during the Los Angeles International Jumping Festival this afternoon at L.A. Equestrian Center. . . . Friends of Robinson Gardens co-presidents Donna Wolff and Bridget Martens officially began their term as co-presidents with Tea at Trumps this week. . . . And Liz Sides presided over the board of trustees of the Virginia Robinson Foundation annual fall luncheon in the gardens this week. . . . Seth Baker gave the black-tie dinner at the Regency Club for the sixth anniversary of Beverly Hills (213). . . . United Way Campaign chair James Miscoll was at the forefront of the United Way kickoff last week at California Museum of Science and Industry.
