
Catastrophic Care Controversy

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Your extensive article on the catastrophic care bill was complete, thorough and objective (Part I, Sept. 24). We all believe in the purposes of this legislation, but what is now frustrating seniors is the failure of our Congress to address valid criticisms.

I recently attended a meeting of the Aging Commissions of the county. Contrary to Sen. David Pryor’s (D-Ark.) comments that “they don’t understand the benefits they are going to have,” each of the more than 200 present knew every benefit in minute detail. Unlike Sen. Lloyd Bentsen (D-Tex.) and Rep. Pete Stark (D-Oakland) who allege the outcries come from a few wealthy, greedy people, these were normal, good people who have saved a few dollars and know fairness when they see it.

And they recognize that when Congress recites the support of the American Assn. of Retired Persons, this is a biased group, self-interested, whose support is not representative of the majority of its members.


As with the recent pay raise issue, the public is again speaking, loud and clear. It is democracy at work. The need for such grass-roots involvement reflects poorly, however, on the present state of our representative form of government.


Rancho Palos Verdes
