
Helms’ Victory

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Judging by the placement of the article on Sen. Jesse Helms’ (R-N.C.) victory regarding the funding of the National Endowment of the Arts (Calendar, Oct. 10), it is obvious that you do not understand that “we the people” and the First Amendment have been dealt what may turn out to be a mortal blow. The implication is clear--political thought control is here.

Consider: If, today, a political commission can decide what is fit to be funded, will they tomorrow be able to decide what is fit to be in the Library of Congress? What is fit to be shown in a city, county or state art gallery or museum? What is fit to be published in a book, shown on a movie screen, or printed in a newspaper?

Any given painting, sculpture, book, movie, photo or the like may delight one person and be despised by another. That is exactly as it should be. But to have a political commission decide for us what is to be a delight and what is to be despised goes against everything this country stands for.


Helms’ victory is our country’s loss.


Canoga Park
